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Play Group
Age Group :
1.5 – 2.5 Years
Duration :
2.5 hours Program Per day
The Play group curriculum the most essential Program it
Enables children with a motto to develop their fine motor skills & colour recognition
- Develop Communication Skills
- Self regulation
- Encourage to create relationship
- Self awareness
- Language
- Math
- Cognitive
- Nuturing Creativity.
- Festival Celebrations
- Water Play
- Sports Day
- Annual Day
- Mother s’ Day
- Socio Dramatic Play
Age Group :
2.5 – 3.5 Years
Duration :
2.5 hours per day
Angel Day School is committed for quality education of year child for a lifetime of learning in a healthy nurturing environment.
The Nursery curriculum an planned that support children’s needs and development of activities such as cognitive, Reading, Writing, Language, Social/emotional, counting skills etc
Communication with other’s
Development cognitive Power
Developing motor skills
Encourage of Math skill development
Creative exploration / Creative
Making new Friends
General knowledge
Theme based Concept time/Dressing
Festival Celebrations
Water Play
Socio Dramatic play
Annual Day
Sports Day
Grand Parent’s Day